Myths about wedding planners can cause frustration, annoyance, and overall dissatisfaction. For example, if you’re expecting your wedding planner to set up each individual chair and table themselves, you’re probably going to be disappointed when they don’t. A good wedding planner will be sure to fill you in on their inclusions, as well as provide suitable replacements for a task they might not include.
While a lot of planners do offer design services, some of them don’t. Some planners only offer a certain extent of help. It’s vital to make sure to ask this question when inquiring if this is something that’s important to you and your partner!
Nope. A good wedding planner is going to give you great recommendations, yes. However, you should not be required to use the vendors they work with consistently. We are always open to your recommendations and preferences!
This is a super common misconception. Personally, we don’t work with vendors that give kickbacks. We only refer vendors that give an exceptional client experience and are truly about making the couple’s day what they want it to be.
I, as well as many other planners, can probably tell you countless times we didn’t charge enough for our work. It happens, but many of us who are in this business are here for reasons other than money. Like providing an exceptional client experience, watching two people crazily in love finally tie the knot, and making sure that your wedding day is as stressless as it can be.
Oh gosh – while we do have our methods of madness and ways that we prefer to do things, the job of a wedding planner is the ability to adapt and overcome challenges, with whatever mechanism that might be.
Each wedding day has the same amount of effort put into it! While there might be a bit more budget needed and a little more time needed for larger guest counts, wedding planning is almost always the same amount of work! It can definitely be a bit more challenging to work with a lower budget at times, but we do everything we can to stretch your budget HIGH and low.
As for every job, some days are definitely harder than others. We spend hours on each client’s wedding day – making sure every single detail is accounted for, running around (while still looking calm and put-together) for 12+ hours on wedding day, checking in with every vendor consistently to make sure everything is going to-plan, etc etc etc. Wedding days are high-stakes events for us to plan, and we do not take the pressure lightly.
Click here to inquire about how we can make your wedding day run smoother, more fun, and joyful.
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Website design by Emily Foster Creative
Copyright 2021-24
Website design by Emily Foster Creative